rejectionWell those of you who have been unemployed know the feeling… the email that says no thank you – other applicants qualifications were a better match. What the heck does “a better match” actually mean?  Ummm – sorry lady, you obviously don’t have the stuff to do the job, or sorry lady, we never intended to hire anyone outside the organization but had to make it look like we cast our net for the best candidate, or sorry lady, you will cost us too much money, etc, etc,etc HR drives me nuts!  When you are the person receiving this email it screams “YOU DON’T MEASURE UP”.  That may not be what it means to say, but it can feel that way.

Unknown to me, as this email was being delivered to my box this morning, I was being reminded during my devotional time that God has a plan for me, plans to take care of me, not abandon me and to give me hope in the future .  So you can see why this “rejection” email comes in the midst of a bright future. That is not to say that I like the rejection – no one likes to think that others didn’t like them or their abilities. Or even if they liked you, they ended up for whatever reasons not choosing you.  It is also not to say that there are not times that I am frustrated with my former employer for creating this current situation – so don’t think I am some kind of saint!  It does frustrate me that, for no real reason other than ego, that they felt they should disrupt my life and rob me of the ability to provide financial security now and in the future for my family.  But as I have said before, and I will say again – I try daily, and I am not always successful, to not waste my energy on their purposeful negativity.  And just so we keep this real – also know that I giggle to watch their great designs slowly falling apart. OK, I will try not to be vindictive either. This bright future, may not be anything like I think it will be – but nonetheless it will be bright, because God has said so! And lets be honest, the future I hope for, I am living out while not being employed!! So many awesome things that I have been able to do and be available for – and the advice “to enjoy every minute of unemployment” rings in my ears daily.

Because, sitting around feeling rejected is a waste of my time,  what does my unemployment bring to me today?  Hmmmmm … be jealous… I am going grocery shopping, a little cleaning, some work on my webpage (I am excited to start to add content to the current projects page) and maybe a little genealogy before my hubby gets home from work.  I love being at home and if this is not my bright future, I sure hope that I don’t get too happy here and feel frustrated to go back to work lol!
Today, let’s be reminded that God is never surprised by our daily circumstances, never outwitted by the devil, never without provision for His kids, and always copen doorlose by to encourage you to the next intersection.  Walk through the doors until one closes, then turn and go to the next door and so on.  Take from each journey, be it short or long, something that draws you closer to God and takes away some of the self-reliance we all have built up and get ready for the next trip.  Watch for “God Winks” along the way and be honest with yourself about who you are what you need to address about yourself.  These things make the journeys valuable, maybe not pain free, but valuable none the less.  Now, that grocery list……

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