I have looked at tons of smoothie recipes, talked to my dear daughter and  daughter-in-law and finally ventured out into this recipe on my own.  This is literally the easiest thing in the universe to make.  And filling.  And good for kids and adults.  And make one now! Well you can’t, unless you have frozen fruit in your freezer….

You need:

Frozen Fruit – a handful of each that you are using2015-06-04 09.51.58

Plain Yogurt – 1/2 cup

Orange Juice- 1/2 cup

and of course a blender or bullet or some such thing to mix it in…

Put your frozen fruit in the bottom of your blender, because it is frozen, you do not need ice and therefore the smoothie is never watered down.  Top with your yogurt and juice.  Blend until smooth – lol hence the word smoothie! I’m here all week….. Then add a banana if you are so inclined – it isn’t frozen so I save until last – I don’t know why! This makes a little over 2 cups – so you can enjoy it all or share with a friend.  On weight watchers – just have to count the juice and yogurt points!

Switch up the fruit and juice flavor for other varieties – the combinations are endless.

To freeze fruit: simply clean and place on parchment paper on a pan and shove in the freezer! Or …. buy a bag of frozen fruit!



Frozen Fruit


Orange Juice

Blend and add a banana


The Mess


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