I had the best laugh this morning!  As I was scrolling through my Facebook, I noticed a post in a “group” I belong to that spoke of the frantic desperation that some people use Facebook to promote. No worries -no ones life, personhood or family was the subject of this announcement. The standard that people look to is often times just astonishing to me! There are so many folks on social mediums that exercise their freedom of speech far outside the lines of the “normal” or “expected”.  You have seen these posts – sometimes we even re-post them. Sometimes, our friend list diminishes because of these posts. C’mon peeps – keep it classy!

social media road signThere are times our anger, frustration and even stupidity take over when we are using Social Media.  Some of the dumbest things show up – things that may and probably do, come back and haunt you.  They haunt you because of people like me, who “know they saw something about this or that” and go back and find your anger in a post.  They haunt you because, nothing on the internet is truly private. They haunt you the most, because you “spoke” before you thought.  Been there… doing it – how about you?  If I collected t-shirts for this – I would be opening a resale shop.

There are so many “issues” in our world today… well ok, there have always been “issues” but it seems we have broader and quicker exposure to these “issues”.  Each of these areas creates agendas in all of our lives – or at least opinions.  And each of these issues play to our hidden agendas, about how we think life should be lived by ourselves and others. Well, mostly others, because you and I have it all together, right?  Then, many of us use Social Media forums to voice our agendas/opinions. Let the polarizing begin!!

There is something about the written word, we all know the pitfalls, that burns into people’s hearts and minds.  We subconsciously may think that because we read it – that is the truth, or it is what defines the person who wrote it, or even that the writing takes on a life of its own. Writing takes thought, practice (I am practicing) and careful evaluation prior to allowing others to read what you have spewed from your fingers.  Often, we write, thinking we are completely expressing our thoughts, when in fact we have omitted important feelings or ideas that have brought us to this point.  Compound that with the required brevity of Social Media and we have a storm brewing.  I am watching it all over the place.  You are too.

I was talking with a friend the other day, with whom I am relatively comfortable I share similar opinions, and both of us said that we were desperately attempting to stay “out of the FB fray” on a topic popular with many of our friends today.  Why?  Because we don’t have an opinion? Because our opinion might be different? No – I think because we felt that the danger of utilizing the Social Media platform to discuss these topics might create more harm than good. Sometime you just need to be still.  Sometimes you just need to live what you believe. This, my friends, is incredibly difficult. Especially if you are wrestling with the direction  you see in the world.  Especially if you can’t quite decide what you believe. And let’s be honest – we don’t have it all figured out!

Dissecting your feelings and opinions on Social Media rarely has the desired effect that our world needs.  It rarely leaves the door of understanding open for discussion. It often screams hate rather than love. Social Media is just that.  Social interaction.  Think of it as the old fashioned ice cream social or for more formal folks, the cocktail party.  Would you bring these topics up in those places? I highly doubt it. And if you did, the conversation would probably be shut down quickly!

What are we teaching our society today about social communication?  We approve of bashing, passive aggressive behavior, taking EVERYTHING in print as the truth, spewing of unprocessed feelings, and so much more.  We no longer expect self respect, moderation, compassion or selflessness.  It is so much more important to be right and scream it at each other.

You might be trying to guess the topics I am speaking of – and really there is not just one.  Religion, politics, family, child rearing, money management – yousocial media name it – we see this everywhere.  Everyone has a right to their opinion, just not the right to demand that I agree with their opinion. Or you with mine. We are ultimately only responsible for ourselves. So be responsible.   Don’t spew your thoughts or ideas in a 140 character tweet or engage in a war of replies on FB. Choose to stay still and use the correct mediums for these emotional discussions.  If you find yourself in a life situation where you can’t be trusted with what you say – STAY OFF OF SOCIAL MEDIA.

I have had to warn myself of this many times.  I have so much to say about my unemployment saga and the current place my former employer finds themselves in – but saying those things on Social Media  doesn’t change my circumstances.  It may make me feel “vindicated” at some point, but burning bridges is something that you try to learn not to do. Not because I will ever go back, but because I am responsible for myself. Instead, deal with what you have on your plate.  If it requires an interchange with someone else, do it personally and not out there for the whole world to get involved.  Do it personally because it shows you value the other person and you value what you have to say.  Keep Social Media for … well social things. Not hot button things.


Keep it classy folks – and watch what you post on garage sale sites. Cuz, I don’t know about you, garage sales sites usually have items for sale that have been used or no longer “measure up” and scream “buyer beware”!!

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