It really is time for the organized church to get out of its box and look around at the world.  It is time for Christians to reacquaint themselves with the tasks that God has put before us.  It is time that we quit being armchair religious coaches.

I am not going to delve into specific issues – because really, there is enough of that out there. What I want to talk about is how we think our “brand”is being received.  How does society really see us?  What the heck is it that we are selling?

As a pastor’s wife, and partner in ministry for 30+ years, I have some ideas about this topic.  Rest assured, not many folk have agreed with my perspective – some have, most have not.  That’s ok.  My blog – my story – my opinion.

I have ALWAYS  said that the church needs to be viewed by its leaders as a product to be sold.  OK – you are already signing off – I can see it in your eyes!  Give me a minute and I will try and sway your thinking.


moviesSeveral weeks ago, my DH and I went to see a movie at our local movie theater.  I had heard others on FB say that it was a really good movie.  It was a major motion picture in a movie theater.  In a movie theater – one that shows blockbuster movies. Not second run movies, this was not a rent online movie or a purchase dvd movie.  A movie in a movie theater. With expensive popcorn.

This recent movie was about a couple of men whose lives become intertwined because of a friendship between their fathers during  the Vietnam war. You may have heard of it. It has a decidedly Christian perspective.  We thought it would be a great way to spend $14 and an evening out.


Not so much


I will cut to the chase.  If this movie was supposed to win people to Christ and then to the church…. well let’s just say the producers are living in denial… and that ain’t’ a river in Egypt.

And other Christians who recommend this movie to friends as an opportunity to share the gospel – you are in denial as well.

This movie had a great message

I mean, it was about salvation, how could it not be a great message.  It had terrible actors, script and pace. It was patronizing. It was fake.It was cheap and had tons of unbelievable cinematography.  In no way did it speak to real people with real lives that go to real movies and who are looking for a real Jesus in 2015. I was embarrassed for “us”. If that was how I heard about salvation, I would be laughing all the way to my next set of sins.

marketing planMarketing.  It is a strategy.  The church needs to know who the market is and how to reach them with a relevant message – not just a current method.  If we still marketed washing machines and the job they do the same way we did 50 years ago – we wouldn’t be selling many washers.  I acknowledge that Jesus is the same, but how we “sell” him (share would be the Christianese term) needs to keep pace with our society.

As Christians, we need to know how to reach our society. Sell our product – Jesus. Yes we can use feature films, social media and the all that jazz, but if we do it poorly and indicate that we really have no idea what life is like outside the body of Christ – we don’t stand a chance.  We have to get dirty. We have to spend money. We have to be REAL.  C’mon people.



Our world needs Jesus

The world needs to know that Jesus is relevant.  That he is able to understand  needs, hurts, and hopes.  And to do that, we need to not put out syrupy stuff.  The world needs to know that the people they will now “fraternize” with will be relevant and not caught in a time warp. Cut the crap. Yes – I said crap.  Sell Jesus for who he really is – the guy who hung out with sinners instead of the “church” who hangs out with itself and pats itself on the back and then wonders why we have no new friends. We need to see what the world needs and speak their language.  We need to up our game to keep up with the pain in the world. The church needs to be seen as relevant. Seen as meeting a need not requesting an obligation.

Face facts church

We have slipped behind the curve.  We are not keeping up with Jesus. He is able to do all these things, but we seem to be getting in the way.  Move over and let Jesus do his thing. Make a new marketing plan. Stand back and be amazed.
Ok -I am going to take a deep breath now……

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