helpDear Friends:


It has been brought to my attention that my website is not loading correctly for some of you to be able to easily choose to read my blog.  I am sad that this is happening. My biggest frustration is that I cannot see this error, as everything that I see appears “normal” and “readable”.  Sooooo -I have to depend on those of you who are struggling to see the correct information to let me know.  I hate to ask…but if you are willing to give me feedback, that would be great!

It seems that the only constant of those who are having a problem viewing is that he web address or URL says the following:  

The problem is the “m.”


I am trying to isolate those of you who see this view – it consists of black boxes – and if you can tell me a couple of things:

  1. what browser are you using?
  2. would you be willing to clear your history/cache to see if the page will load properly
  3. keep me informed of any changes

You can let me know in the comments or on FB (PM would be best)


thanksI apologize for this  – I am certain it has something to do with my mobile settings  – and have made a change to that setting.  Let me know if this is successful for you or not!

PS:  If you get the black box version – you can still read by choosing the blog title or blog at the top of the navigation bar OR some folks can simply remove the “m.”  … but not everyone can do that either.





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  1. Lori D Oney says:

    Since I have commented before, you know I can see your blog. I signed up to receive your blog each day via email and it comes as soon as you post one. Then if I wish to comment, I simply click on the “Comment” button at the bottom of the email. I get the blog on my Yahoo account and can read it on my Android phone or the Internet Explorer browser on my Surface Pro or my PC. Hope all can soon enjoy your writing as easily as I!

  2. Alysa says:

    I subscribed to your updates to be sent as emails, so that’s how I read all of your latest musings. Before I had subscribed, I would read your posts on my phone by clicking your FB links, and the formatting on the mobile site was weird, but nothing was ever blacked out. Sorry this wasn’t more helpful!!

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