Now that you have explored some of the free places on the web and have chosen a way to record the information which you will be gathering -let’s get started on your history!  Always remember, it is easier to make information your own, rather than allowing the information to confirm your legacy.  Do not fall into the trap of lack of confirmation.  Always be sure  you know that you know what you are recording.  You are not allowed to just find a relative!


family treeYou have a decision to make.  What family or families are you researching? This project can easily become bigger than you would have ever imagined. It is important to set some boundaries.  Some choices are:

  • your own family,
  • your family as well as your spouse’s family,
  • your family only on your father’s side
  • your family only on your mother’s side

You get to decide.  What we did in our family is my husband researches his family and I research mine. Both maternal and paternal sides.   The tree’s join at our marriage.  Eventually, you will need to decide where to stop… But, first, here is how you start


I know you want to get right out there and find the oldest ancestor you can… DO NOT START THERE!  Restrain yourself and start with you!  That is right – not with your great, great grandfather. Yourself!  Fill in as much information that you can about yourself. Then work your way systematically backwards.

  • Full Namepedigree chart idea
  • Maiden Name (if applicable)
  • Birth date and place
  • Marriage date and place
  • Death date and place
  • Burial date and place

Then you move to your spouse, your children, your children’s spouses, your grandchildren.  Wait a minute you say— this is not history this is the present!  You are correct!  However, if every generation before you had done this step… the information we seek today, would be easier to find. So help out the future first! Plus, how can you determine if someone is an ancestor if you do not first know where you come from?


You do the exact same thing for each person that you know in your family. Begin with those closest to you generationally, i.e. your parents, your parents siblings/spouses and their children and grandchildren, then  your grandparents, your grandparents siblings/spouses and their children. You get the idea.  Go as far as you know with each person that you name.  You will have lots of blanks – that is OK – don’t let that slow you down.  Just skip the info you do not know right now, you will get to it eventually. That is where the research comes into play!

What are you waiting for?  Get busy with discovering your family history!

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