

You should have been looking at some of the free resources I have suggested.  I also encourage you to Google genealogy resources and pick some of your own.  There are a plethora of items out there to choose from, probably because there are a plethora of people involved in this pastime.

One of the most popular individuals you will find right now in this field is a gentleman by the name of Thomas MacEntee.  He has an interesting story.  I like it because he created a very lucrative business that came out of the fact that he became unemployed and needed a job.  He turned his hobby into just that – a job. Be aware that a lot of his items are for purchase – he is self employed – but the amount of information this gentleman has collected and shares is astronomical.  I am just getting to “know” his collection.  Here is the link – but take your time, it is a bit overwhelming.
whats your story


Genealogy is nothing but history.  Your history to be precise.  Some of you may be saying – eh, not so sure I liked history all that much in school.  Let me encourage you with this: the reason you probably didn’t like the subject is because it was never real to you. It didn’t seem to impact you.  It felt removed.  This history is connected to YOU!  Each link in this history has made some type of impact on YOUR life. Once you start putting this puzzle together – you will find it difficult to stop – I can almost guarantee that.





journalingStart writing your story down today.  Maybe start a journal or diary.  You can do this on paper or electronically.  Try to write something at least once a week – maybe a recap of what you were involved with – or accomplished.  Maybe it was just weeding, grocery shopping etc – tell how you did those “chores”. Think about the way we do everyday things today will look in 100 years. I need to follow my own advice!




Here is a great idea my DDIL had for our granddaughter.  Create an email address for the newborn and encourage family members to send an occasional email.  What a fabulous idea! She can’t and won’t read them now – but  the story she can knit together in the future will be priceless.  I have already sent a couple of emails.  You can do this for anyone in your family.


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Who could not want to send this sweetheart an email?


Set aside time to visit with your relatives.  Ask them questions about their parents, children, grandparents.  What did they do for fun, what kind of occupations did they have, what religious beliefs did they support. Were they involved in social movements of their time. What were their talents. The list is endless.  Ask specifically about rifts in the family  – folks who may have lost touch. These are the things of your story. These are the things that make you and your family unique. Record these stories – they will provide you with clues as you begin your in depth research.  They will prove or disprove “facts”.  Get to people before it is too late.



Don’t be surprised by skeletons.  We all have them. And most family members cover them up, don’t talk about them, or smile and say “Well we really DON’T know what happened there”.  Truth is someone does know, but they are embarrassed to say.  Rest assured, many of these skeletons will reveal themselves over time.  My DH has a jailed sodomizer in his lineage that he knew nothing about until he found the court records.  And I am proud to say that I had no idea that my own father was a bookie! So go forth and find your skeleton!

Frank Phillips at confectionary store

Anyone want to place a bet with this man?

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