Jer 29A scripture that has repeatedly “shown up” in my daily study during this “unemployment journey” is Jeremiah 29:11.  I have spoken of it before – I have quoted it – I have responded to it both in this place and on posts on FaceBook where it is quoted.  Tons of people call this their “life verse” or a verse that they hold on to, point to and use to encourage themselves in the uncertain times.  


This verse has been all of these things to me.


 I have read and re-read it thousands of times.  I have quoted it often to others who are struggling.  Does it mean something to you?


The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible translates this text this way:


For surely, I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”


I love this verse – because it helps me to feel secure as God protects me. But I often forget to read the “stuff” before and after this verse.70 years  This encouragement was given to a “people” who were in captivity. They were being asked to contribute in a positive manner to the people who were holding them hostage.  Not only that – they had to be in this hostage situation for 70 years!  EEEKKK! So, for these people, the future God speaks of is very far away.  The welfare and hope will not be evident for 70 years.


70 years.


That’s a long time.


Do you really want this as your life verse? LOL!!


babylonian exile

For me, the exile, or hostage situation is my unemployment.  God has reminded me that He is fully aware of my situation, and that He still has plans for my welfare and a future with hope. That, in fact, may or may not include gainful employment.  All he asked of me, like the hostages in Jeremiah, was to settle into this foreign land and do my part.  Be productive. Become involved in this new life style. Set up camp, so to speak.  (Read the whole chapter and you will see this was what these folks were asked to do – even to marry the people of the land.)  Why?  Because God had a plan – a plan that would not cause harm to God’s people and in fact would give them hope in the future.


I started to get it – and I have tried to daily embrace this place of unemployment. Most days are successful – like the ones where I am able to be several states away with our baby granddaughter!  Some days are unsuccessful as I balance the checkbook and realize that “other arrangements” will need to be made.  But overall, I have taken this unemployment and turned it into a productive “semi-retirement”!!  


I have a schedule – yup a semi-retired schedule, rough life- I have an Etsy shop, an active Ebay sellers account, and I have taken to this thing called blogging. I have cleaned closets, had garage sales, re-evaluated our spending habits and travelled.  I have seen every season pass by my new “office” window where I have made friends with the squirrels and birds that frequent my feeders and yard.  I have re-awakened my love of sewing.  I have re-learned the pattern of study and prayer.


One thing that has also been a constant for me in this scary place is that in all honesty – I have not been and am not frightened.  


Really – I am not. I have been able to be almost fully reliant on God.  I say almost because I am still human and I have had my days!  My failure during this time has been more in the area of being able to let go -to move on – to loosen the grasp of “what was” and move into “what is”.  Patiently, God has asked me to do this, and slowly, I have been able to move past the “what was” for the most part.  I think what remains is the recognition that “what was done” was never going to really harm me.  That at no time was God going to allow the mis-steps of my brothers in Christ to control God’s outcomes in my life.  So – as much as my flesh wants to blame them, scold them, call them out, tell everyone of their calculated plans, I have come to realize that is not going to ever change “what was” and “what is” and “what will be”.


What matters is what I do with what God has allowed into my life.


So I fell in love with being unemployed, with the only real hang up being the guilt I felt for my DH as he continued to work.  So where am I on this 189th day of this journey called unemployment?


Today, I will return a phone call to a gentleman, who has been kind enough to offer me a job.  I will tell him that I accept his offer.  I will thank him for believing that I can bring something to the table that may impact someone’s life for the better.  I will return to work. 189 days – 39 work weeks – 7 months of no paychecks – almost a year of bliss –  later. 


joy and sorrow


It is with joy that I return to work – but with sorrow that I realize that this time of reflection, growth, rest and peace comes to an end.  It is a time for which I want to thank so many for praying for me, for supporting me, for offering encouragement,  for remaining my friend, for sharing your lives with me.  Thank you. Each of you. You all have had an impact.



What have I learned?  


I have learned that I am going to love retirement!  I have learned that I have more than I deserve materially, even though by societies standards I don’t have as much as the “next guy”. I have learned that it is time to downsize. I have learned it is time to prepare to enjoy the remaining years of our lives. I have learned that God’s word is always relevant, and that there is something new for me all the time.  Even though I have been a Christian since I was 12 – my faith should be new every morning.  I have learned to be still. To rest. I have learned that my family will always be the most important people in my life. I have learned how to make a website!  BAHAHAHAHA…..wink


Pray with me as I begin this new adventure with God.


 I am excited to see what will be there for me to learn and how God will use me. Pray, most of all, that I will never lose sight of the things God has wanted me to learn during this time away and that I will continue to be obedient in all things – even if that obedience is difficult for me.


189 days.


What a journey.


PS: If you are wondering – I will be joining the Enrollment Services Team as the Registrar at Bethany College in Lindsborg, KS.  While they have their challenges set before them, the folks that I met are people with a similar heart as mine.  This school reminds me of my own college days, and I am excited to become a part of this family.  Every job has its challenges and difficulties, no place or people are perfect, least of all me.  But together, we will walk this path and learn from each other.



Leave a Comment
  1. annleemiller says:

    Woo hoo! Congratulations, sweetie. It sounds like a great job for you. And you should still have lots of time for reflection on your commute. 🙂 XXXOOO

    1. Cathy Britton says:

      Thanks! I hope to put the commute to good use!

  2. Nancy says:

    Congratulations, Cathy! I haven’t read your blog recently but you had me curious. Glad I did. The job sounds great, and the lessons you learned will stick with you.

    1. Cathy Britton says:


  3. Tiffany Sowa says:

    As a BC alum 😉 I am SO excited for both you and the Swedes! Valkommen and congratulations!! 😀

    1. Cathy Britton says:

      I didn’t know that about you! Thanks for your encouragement throughout this “process”! I hope I can make you proud as I join the Swede family!

  4. Hanna says:

    Congrats Momma! I know it was a tough time to not have a job but like you always do you worked through it and found the positive in life instead of just focusing on the negative! That is a quality I hope I can get from you! I can’t wait to hear all the new and exciting things about your new job from you.. Gonna miss my afternoon/ after school phone calls though. Love you and so proud of you!

    1. Cathy Britton says:

      Thanks sweet daughter! You brought tears to my eyes. We will find another time to “chat”! Love you too!!

  5. roxyshomealone says:


    1. Cathy Britton says:


  6. Lori D Oney says:

    Congratulations on your new position, Cathy! Sending praises and thanks to God for your new opportunity as well as prayer for comfort and strength as you begin this new journey. Thank you for starting and maintaining this blog with such honesty and openness throughout your unemployment journey. I hope that you will be able to continue it in some fashion despite the new time constraints.

    1. Cathy Britton says:

      Thanks Lori! I am hoping to remain committed to my blog and to honesty! Stay tuned – who knows what is next!

  7. srb2011 says:

    Congrats on your new job! It certainly seems that the time off was well spent and there were things that God wanted you to go through or think about, perhaps to equip you for your next “adventure” and now it is time to move forward : )

    1. Cathy Britton says:

      Thanks! I am looking forward to this adventure!

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