registrarAfter 9 months of unemployment, I joyfully accepted a position with a small, liberal arts school as their registrar.  This new position  is located approximately 80 miles from the city in which I live – but the commute is mostly on a 4 lane highway at 75 mph – so I felt that the ride would certainly be manageable.  And it is.  About an hour and 15 minutes manageable.  No big deal!


Well – to me it is no big deal.  To others – this seems extraordinary, and it seems to be the first thing that they ask about… how is the drive?  Well – it is a drive… I don’t know how to quantify that!  But to folks who all live within about 15 minutes of the campus, I am sure it is overwhelming to think that I need to leave by about 6:30 each morning.  

drive safely

Many have offered their admonition to “drive safe”.  Of course.  I wouldn’t dream of being a race car driver on KS 135!   


At the completion of my first day in my new assignment, I gathered myself up and took my brimming mind to my car.  Well, to my husband’s car.  We have officially switched, since his gets better gas mileage.  My car is much more comfortable for me… but it only gets 18 mpg!!  So Ford Focus it is!!


I was so incredibly proud of myself that I found the highway from the college.  I am directionally challenged, and I use “Mr. Google” for EVERYTHING.  But I got there all by myself. Pulled on, up to speed, enjoying the setting sun, heading into dusk.





I said the following to myself:  “Be careful of the deer”.   


You know where this is going.



About ½ way home, I had a “close encounter” with a 6 point buck.  So close in fact, that I am pretty sure my husbands car is totalled. So close that I think I was able to see his heart pounding in his chest as he attempted to “leap tall buildings in a single bound” over the little gray Focus.  So close that my driver’s side airbag deployed and my car electronically went into “crash mode” whatever the heck that is!


Never saw this guy coming.


Never saw him leaving either – but the car behind me did.


Apparently Mr. 6 point took tumbling with Bambi’s mom in the forest as he did a couple of back flips off my car and back into the median where he met his maker.   Sorry Mr. 6 point.


Call 911- no I am not injured, no I do not need an ambulance, yes I do need an officer, yes I am relatively certain where I am – but this nice young man who stopped to check on me after watching the “tumbling pass” was able to provide a mile marker, yes I will stay in the vehicle until help arrives. BTW – why in the world are my flashers automatically on and my horn is honking?  Ahhh  – that’s right  – crash mode.


As the two offices that arrive attempt to assist me with my “deer infested vehicle” we come to the realization that the drivers side door is not going to open.




Have I mentioned I have arthritis and am in need of a double knee replacement?  Apparently, my car is not the only thing that needs to go to the “body shop”.


I am now faced with getting out of this vehicle.  There are two choices as I see them:  

  1. Climb over the console to the passenger seat and exit on the passenger side
  2. Call the jaws of life


jaws of life


Well it took me awhile and the assistance of these two nice young, STRONG, men to encourage me out over the console.  But – I did it!  No jaws of life needed.




Welcome to my first day at the new job!  Welcome to the OPPORTUNITY to see this as an negative in my life. Or…welcome to the opportunity to make a choice to see the positives in this situation and not the negatives.  


I am grateful that I am not injured.  I am grateful that no one else is injured. I am grateful I have insurance. I am grateful I have other vehicles. I am grateful for two, STRONG, police officers. I am grateful for my husband who came and rescued me from the side of the rode. Just to mention a few things.


Upon exiting my vehicle, one of the offices told me that they rarely work deer accidents on this road. (Of course, that will pick up now that I regularly drive this route… bahaha)  He then told me, by way of explanation….


”Well, there are more of them out right now because it is mating season.”


 I looked him square in the eye and told him:


“I am not interested.  I am taken”


I am happy to say that today, I arrived home from work without any deer contact. 


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2015-11-20 20.19.14 2015-11-20 20.18.42 2015-11-20 20.18.05


Leave a Comment
  1. Cher turner says:

    Glad you are alright…..we could have our knee replacement next summer….mine are really in bad shape…..we will have to get together soon and catch up….

    1. Cathy Britton says:

      Maybe we can get a group rate on those knees!!

  2. Susie says:

    Wow! Glad you are OK.

    1. Cathy Britton says:

      Thanks – me too!!

  3. Lisa S Moling says:

    Well when you do something, you really go all out!

    1. Cathy Britton says:

      Well….. no sense wasting time on the small stuff!

  4. roxyshomealone says:

    Dang! I am so glad you weren’t hurt. Sorry about the car!! Around that rest area just north of MP, there are always deer. I worry going through there all the time. Heavily wooded!! Drive safe!!

    1. Cathy Britton says:

      I am hanging on for “deer” life as I travel now!!

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