There are these “things” – these “practices” in the church that really are a conundrum for me. I can’t seem to make them make sense. Some of that may be due to my own disobedience – and right now I am not going to get into that! BUT- this one “thing”, – this one “practice” I am going to get into.




Sometimes even this admonition….




You know where this goes….

The infamous invitation. The invitation to accept the gift of salvation that only Jesus offers.


I am grateful for this invitation to the table of life, to spend eternity with God in His Kingdom. To eternally worship my creator. Notice I did not say, to fishing, golfing, sewing, etc to my heart’s content. (This a peek into what I think eternity is about).


In no way is this post about denigrating this gift – its offering and our acceptance. Make no mistake, I believe the decision to accept or reject the gift of salvation is the single, most important decision you will ever make.


What I do take issue with – or at least really don’t understand – is the practice of the “invitation” at the close of so many church services – and other types of gatherings – where you are asked to accept this gift in a way that no one else will know ever know.


This is a setup – plan and simple.  

Not intentional -but a setup just the same.


Riddle me this:  The church is one of God’s vehicles to spreading the truth about Jesus.  We are to be outspoken about our faith in Christ, both in word and practice. It is our responsibility as Jesus followers to invite others to this fabulous banquet of salvation.It is our privilege, at least currently, to live in a culture where we can speak of our belief structure. In fact, it is our great commission to go out into the world and proclaim the message of Jesus. So….. why in the world would we make the first step of this very public life, so hidden. So secretive. .So… I don’t know… embarrassing?


I want to let you in on something.  Whenever I hear these words spoken… it is a cue to me to open my eyes and look around!!  Yup -don’t tell me I HAVE TO HAVE MY EYES CLOSED!! I mean really – you don’t have that kind of control over me! So – I probably have seen you raise that hand!  What do you think about that??


Seriously though –  Jesus followers are asked/told to live a life out in the open, being the salt of the earth, the light that shines, the truth that is spoken. Why would we think that our first step of an open relationship should be made under the premise that “no one will ever know you raised your hand, because their eyes are closed and their head is bowed”? Counterintuitive my friends.


When you are ready to become that salt and light – be bold and proud, at least among those who already have agreed to this offer. You would already be among friends – or like minded folks- so there is no reason to hide from them your decision.


And don’t come at me with – “well maybe they wouldn’t make the decision to follow Jesus if they knew folks were watching”. Cuz, then I say “well maybe they won’t be willing to try the really hard salt and light stuff either”!


Come on church – be bold for Jesus. Don’t hide. Don’t sell a product as if it can be used in secret and then wonder why these folks don’t ever want to get involved in the public work of the kingdom. That is a bait and switch.  False advertising. It is simply selling “fire insurance”.  Instead, be accountable for your decisions. Speak up about your decisions.



Be out there for Jesus, church. Heck, really shake it up and ask for folks to become a Jesus follower, accept that free gift of salvation and eternity in the presence of God,  at the beginning of the service and then spend the rest of the time celebrating new life in Christ.


OK – that is pushing it too far.


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  1. Alysa says:

    I love this post and I love this concept!! Why should we be embarrassed to proclaim our love for Jesus?? I’ll be peeking with you! 🙂

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