One year, almost to the day, since I have written a blog post. How have 365 days gone by without me really noticing? What proof do we have of change, growth and purpose in those 52 weeks? Has nothing happened that is “write worthy”? Have things been so mundane that I have no comment?


In fact – quite the opposite. Perhaps so much has happened, that I have been too overwhelmed to write it down.




I last checked in at a point where a huge life change was directly in front of me – one that included major surgery, selling a home, and a change in my location, job and family/friends connections. In the world of emotional health – I was entering a “stress fest”. On the list of life stressors, I was about to embark on a trudge up Mt. Everest.  

They say that certain life events have stress “points” assigned to them and that anything over 300 points can lead to illness. A quick look at that list for the last year for me, yielded over 450 points for me. So….. draw your own conclusions here….

A year ago found me a few days away from my second knee replacement and just 2 months from selling our home and moving 1000 miles east. Time for a new job. New home. New friends. New routines. It was an exciting time. The thrill of change and challenge was directly in front of me and my hubby. The promise of God’s timing and plan was evident.


All of that has happened. So has a whole lot more. While I could intellectually say that this would be a difficult, while exciting time, I don’t think my spirit could ever fully recognize what these difficulties would be. Nor could I have ever fully prepared for it.


How do you emotionally prepare for cleaning out and packing your home of 25 years; of selling a house, of buying a house, of starting a job that has no job real job description, of leaving a more metropolitan community for an agricultural community, of leaving your familiar support structure, of returning to a place where you were a different adult than you are now? The list goes on.


The answer?    


You don’t.

Quite simply, there is no way to prepare for that much change – so you hang on, employ as many coping skills as you can muster, promise yourself that no matter the frustration, misunderstanding, and some failed expectation, that you will trust in God to not allow anyone or anything to steal your joy. The joy of doing what God has called you to do. The joy of obedience. The joy of knowing you are prepared for just this time and place. The joy of defeating Satan’s attempts of destruction. Because, believe me … the joy stealer is out there!

So many wonderful things have happened in these 12 months. Old friendships rekindled, new friendships made. The final goodbye to a home of memories to a new hello where a new generation of memories will be made. Experiences that were gained in previous employment show their value in this new employment. Spiritual responsibilities give way to spiritual rest.


Here is the deal – as exciting as all this has been these last 365 days – it has not all been easy. Those stories to come- some funny – some, maybe not so much. But the result of obedience is always joy. And amidst the change and challenge, I come back to this – no one has the right to steal the joy that God’s obedience brings.


The important thing for me has been to attempt to regularly point myself back to the direction of the One who set this change in motion. To remind myself that God has a purpose and He has my best heart in mind. To rise to the obedience – even when I think I don’t want to do so. Until you are called home, you should always be doing what you have been called to do – turn the light of God’s truth on and expose the darkness of the enemy. And trust . Trust that God’s got your back. Because He does.


Here is to the next 365 days. And to continual change.


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  1. Becky says:

    Nice Cathy, I’ve missed your blog. Here’s to a new beginning for us both, though different circumstances!

  2. Joyce says:

    I admire your strength and perseverance. I drive by “your house” almost daily and remember the great times our boys/men had together.

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