Let’s get to know each other.

11073462_10152870318325838_3432430417147024798_nAfter 19 years of marriage to an evangelical pastor and college registrar/ instructor and  being a SHM with 4 kids for 15 years, I went back into the workforce in 2001.  I took a “mommy job” in our local schools and worked my way around in our school district. I was a “paper cutter with a Masters Degree”.  A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work for a local community college, where I was able to move myself up to a nice, steady and somewhat challenging position, in Student Services.  Then boom!  I lost my job.

On my hour drive home that day, I determined that no job was going to rob me of my joy.  I told God and myself – I will treat each work day as if I do have a job – as if I have purpose – and I will rise, dress and put on my makeup and attack the day.  In that process, I began writing my daily thoughts on FaceBook, thinking that there may be some of my friends who would support me and could benefit from my situation.  It wasn’t long before they were encouraging me to BLOG, BLOG, BLOG. I was, and for the most part still am, clueless about this process – but if you are up to the ride, then hop in the car!

In my professional world, I had a colleague who often used the expression “stay in your lane!”  I loved this thought, mostly because it characterized my work situation beautifully – everyone was in everyone else’s business -(not a good thing)  and frankly, I stole the expression from her and said it over and over again (thanks Brooke).  Taking a twist from that, in my posts I often talk about life -things we all deal with -and I share MY perspective, opinion or thought.  I don’t want to get in your lane by telling you what to do, but I sure can Stay In My Lane and tell you what I did.  A blog is born……

This blog travelled with me on a nine month journey of unemployment and so much more!  It created for me the choice to challenge myself, to continue to learn and to express my ideas and thoughts in a safe environment.  Well, safe enough – I mean folks can still let me know how they feel about what I say – I just have some control over their comments!

This adventure began while I was an unemployed, stay at home wife (the kids are grown for the most part and the grandchild lives with her parents far away) and I explored roads that I may not have had time to explore prior to those circumstances.  I have since returned to the work force, and as such, have taken about a year away from blogging. But – I have decided that I miss this opportunity, so with some fine tuning, I am back!

I extend an invitation for you to join me on this trip and if you choose do do so, put your seat belt on, obey the road signs and join me on this journey called life!  Put your two cents in – but my rules are, be kind, no vulgarities and no personal attacks, and we can agree to agree or agree to disagree.

Looking forward to hearing your musings as I share mine…..