genMy husband hooked me on genealogy research within the first few months of being married.  We went on a trip to Washington, D.C. and while I visited the Smithsonian, he visited the National Archives to work on his family history.  My museum visit was shorter than his archives visit, and when I went to pick him up – he asked if could please help him with a roll of microfilm and told me what to look while I turned, turned and turned the wheel.  That was the beginning of the end, so to speak, and for 30+ years we have been reading census’, visiting cemeteries (with our children in tow… they make wonderful places for kids to play), and documenting our findings.  From time to time, I hope to share some of our methods with my readers – or if you have questions, I would be happy to tell you what has worked for me in my research.


Genealogy Links:


I always have a project going on!  Some I finish… some I don’t.  I have been known to refinish furniture, spray paint trunks, sew clothing, mod podge, you name it – I have tried it.  Sometime I win – sometimes the project wins!  Here are some that I am currently winning with!


Project Links: