cookingLet’s venture into the realm of FOOD.

I love to cook! I have many stand by recipes, many Pinterest recipes that I have tried and many I have simply pinned and want to try. If you are looking for fancy recipes, low calorie recipes or “healthy” recipes – just keep on going to the next blog.  I raised a family of four on “family” recipes and they all survived.  True – we could be thinner –

My background is mostly Slovak (not Czech), German, Irish and English – pretty much in that order.  As you can imagine, food was and is a central part of our lives… and my waistline!

Let me tell you my philosophy about food.  Food is to be enjoyed and to be used to foster relationship. By that I mean, it should smell and taste good and those eating it should also enjoy the companionship of the others that are indulging with you. You know the old argument: eat to live or live to eat.  I am the latter.

There is no better place for conversation, than around the …. table… eating around the tableor wherever you gather to eat.  Lets be honest – family dinner time is tough, but that is because we have allowed it to be tough.  We make time for what is important to us.

Nested here will be recipes that I have been asked for over the years, ones that my family loves, ones that I make to take to folks when they have had a hospital visit.  Comfort food, companionship food, flavorful food.  No twigs and branches food.

Also here – you may find the occasional commentary on eating out – I mean really who cooks all the time?  Sometimes, we need to know where the best fried chicken is – right?  (Cuz if you know me – it is not at my house!)

Bear with me as I build this collection. There may not be pictures for you to see – really, the recipe and my tastebud approval should be all you need!



Seriously Simple Smoothie Seriously Simple Smoothie

Cathy's Potato Salad Cathy’s Potato Salad

Ana’s Guacamole

Marie's Mushroom Soup

Marie’s Mushroom Soup