2015-10-03 16.17.58I have a passion for vintage stuff.

Just visit my house and you will see that passion in full display.  We used to call our house decorating style “late garage sale” or “early attic” style!  What happens here is that we over buy at auctions, estate sales and garage sales.  My hubby has a fabulous eye for what others would be willing to buy, so we “pick things up”.  Over the years, I have bounced in and out of Ebay with the seller name of ashland79 and sold a variety of things. Remind me to tell you the clothes pin and candle story sometime….


Then I became a grandma.

2015-09-19 18.42.16-1I thought I would get back into sewing and crafting and make things  for our little princess. I started with a rag quilt and then on to some bibs with matching bows.  Now I think I will meddle with some vintage tablecloths and make aprons.  Of course there are also vintage quilts, that are in bad repair, but make a great shabby chic picture. Did I mention bobbers made from vintage bed springs?   The possibilities are endless.  Maybe puppy bow ties next….


With some encouragement, I have now opened an Etsy Shop called BriarBush Cottage.  Our hope is to expand this shop to include the creations of several of our family members.  Right now I am experimenting with a five year digital prayer journal.


Please stop by both of these shops regularly as I will be posting vintage and handmade items on a regular basis. I have included links on the pictures below!