One year, almost to the day, since I have written a blog post. How have 365 days gone by without me really noticing? What proof do we have of change, growth and purpose in those 52 weeks? Has nothing happened that…

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God Smacked!

Long ago and far away, I found myself cleaving to my husband in the midst of a very rocky sea. We were just shy of 10 years married, had 3 beautiful children, many wonderful friends and a very aggressive church…

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Open your eyes and raise your hand…..

There are these “things” – these “practices” in the church that really are a conundrum for me. I can’t seem to make them make sense. Some of that may be due to my own disobedience – and right now I…

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34 years….. Pastor’s wife… That’s me… Someone asked me a few days ago, if I liked being a Pastor’s wife.  That is not the first time I have been asked that question.  It is, however, the first time I really…

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