People can be confusing. So can understanding scripture. I recently heard someone share their understanding of a passage of scripture. This is kind of a touchy subject, and…. I don’t want to get into the part about interpreting scripture. What…

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One year, almost to the day, since I have written a blog post. How have 365 days gone by without me really noticing? What proof do we have of change, growth and purpose in those 52 weeks? Has nothing happened that…

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God Smacked!

Long ago and far away, I found myself cleaving to my husband in the midst of a very rocky sea. We were just shy of 10 years married, had 3 beautiful children, many wonderful friends and a very aggressive church…

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Make a Memory

  Family. Grilling. Swimming. Parades. Fireworks. This is what 4th of July is made of – right?  Well – we all make sure to (and I believe it is mostly heartfelt, so I am not criticizing) make a statement on…

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The Holly Hobbie Purse

Every time I clean my house, I dust a “trinket” that sits on the floor of my livingroom – a wooden, octagon, decoupaged purse.  The decoupage is of Holly Hobbie. I made this purse sometime late 1960’s or early 1970’s….

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The Difficulties of Mother’s Day

May. This is a month of many celebrations – high school graduations,college graduations, Memorial Day ….. MOTHER’S DAY. I have a love – hate relationship with this day – Mother’s Day.   I love this day because it reminds me…

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Letters from the past – continued

The census in England is a strange thing. The question that was asked when taking the census was “who slept here last night?”. As you can well imagine, this information can lead researchers on a wild goose chase, when what…

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I love to color. Apparently, a lot of adults do – just look at the marketing of adult coloring books! One of the best things to get as a gift is a brand new box of colors! It used to…

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